The holy month of Ramadhan is about to take its departure soon. Tagging the month of Shawwal to administer the next month. As tradition speaks, its the day where tongues acknowledge the falsehood and come clean. Muslims took the gamble to wrap their ego and be apologetic for the day. Apparently, its a fresh new start for the ugly plots they had graphed together long ago. The blunders are marshaled and its time to make the sheets blank again.
I reminisced with every reflections of the past. I am 18 now , standing as a half child half adult. . When i was still a fresh meat, that very day is remarked as one of my favorite day in the calendar. I addressed such false apologies to everyone, to seek for rewards in return. lol. I was a successful entrepreneur back then. As the years flushed by, i lost my flair for that special occasion regarding to such family affairs. The delicacy of the day became paler each year. I lost the temptation to celebrate.
I am pointing my finger at my grandmother for every things she had done. So inhuman of her to pull our packets of joy. She was a harm to every happiness and i am never gonna excuse her from the picture. If it was not for her dirty little secrets, mum and dad would have never let their bonds been broken. If it wasn't for her, we could have preserved our status as a 'happy family' . I am in disguise to even let my gaze stops at her hypocrisy. She's so good in faking her deeds but not good enough. Her inferior actions are now visible enough for others to see. Too bad that the witnesses to her behavior lost their guts to come forward. *sigh* But what goes around comes around nenek. You'll see. Karma does exist and god is fair =)
Enough dramas. I am blending a sincere apologies this time to all my friends, followers, whoever. Happy eid fitri . Forgive me for all my wrongdoings. Words that ought to stab you and so on. Lets all together mend our broken strings. I am signing out now. Good bye.
sara happy eid fitri <3 im sorry for whtever stupid thngs ive done to u.all the jokes that u took seriously and had leave severe scratches onto ur heart,im sorry.love you always sister.
ps i get it that ur super duper truper busy but i wish we can buka puasa together.i dont wanna interrupt your day however.its okay u text me if ur free.may god bless you in this such holy month <3 <3 <3 and i feel ur talking just inches to my ear when i read ur blog keep on writing cause without this i'll be missing you more :)
minta maaf and then doing it again, so what's the point right. apologize can be done everyday but why must be di spesifik time raya. huhu. well i guess it's the tradition. btw, selamat hari raya...
true ruhil! thats y i just dont get it. but well when traditionl speaks, we'll just hv to accept la kan.
aww araa
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